Law Week 5

/ Sunday 27 March 2011 /

BC youth law stuff
Rights of the individual
Citizens arrest etc.

a) Rest of handout - cases….
b) Law Wiki - vocabulary review (with projector - student created.  What do you know? Come and add entries as we go)
c) ?
Take up Wagner case (#5)
Women and the law.  Need to put forth a compelling case, particularly against the jokes that degrade women.
Note 2 articles
Plus - the article about murders at the University of Montreal


a) Zdeno Chara and criminal conviction in hockey (including legal precedents) 
b) Canadian Law Workbook stuff (chapter 5)

Check homework!
a) Arrest stuff:  Three ways to charge a person (p 87)me
Make posters and teach:
Arrest: p.88-90
Note: The right to retain and instruct counsel is guaranteed by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Rights and Obligations of the Arrested Person pp.90, 93-95
Search: 95-98
Procedures Following Arrest: p 99, 100
The Trial: p. 110, 111, 112
The Trial II p. 112,113,114,115, 116, 117 ME!  Preparation for Mock Trial.
Sentencing the Defendant: 120, 121, 122


Vocabulary Test
Posters and Presentations of yesterday’s reading.

To do:
Find five cases that have not been tried yet - Write up and predictions.
Essay - I don’t remember what I was talking about with Alekcei….
Components of a trial.
Mock trial.

Establish a weekly 'kangaroo court' where students will charge each other with crimes each week.


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