Week 10

/ Tuesday 19 April 2011 /
Types of Civil Law:

  • tort law
  • contract law
  • family law
  • property law
  • wills and estates
  • employment law.

Introduction to Tort:

Know that a tort is an injury, physical, emotional, economic or otherwise, suffered by a person for which another may be held legally responsible.

Non-pecuniary loss

Name used in general legal terminology for loss or harm which is not assessable in money on the basis of any standard financial yardstick. 

Where personal injury occurs, compensation may be payable for non-pecuniary loss in the form of pain and suffering during serious illness and also physical defects, disfigurement or other permanent after-effects. In cases of industrial injury compensation may be payable for non-pecuniary loss or harm of this kind under the special system called supplementary industrial injury insurance.


Crawford vs the insurance company case as initial example (there are probably better ones)

Start bringing in more current cases.

(Collect current events case study)

Discrimination at Walmart



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