Law Week 1

/ Sunday 6 February 2011 /

Law:  Day 1

 Introduction to Law

- Important.  You come ready to discuss.  In law there are many controversial issues.  It will be a much more enjoyable class if you are willing to consider ideas and participate.

0 - Behaviour is consistently disruptive or disrespectful towards classmates or teacher.
         Does not participate.
5 - Behaviour needs work (ie: is disruptive)
10 - Behaviour is appropriate and respectful.
       Student volunteers and participates when called upon.
(Updated weekly)

- Participation, attitude. - 10%
- Assignments/Projects - 40%
- Tests - 30%
- Exam - 20%

a) Write down 10 reasons we have laws (with partner)
(Get one person to list ideas on the brown paper) - put it on wall.
        b) The Rule of Law
        a) The island activity (potentially incorporate scenes from Lord of the Flies or Lost)


a) Why do we have laws?
b) Do we have too many laws in Canada?


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