Law Week 2

/ Sunday 6 February 2011 /

Week 2

Issues in the Law - Essential Questions (from curriculum)
  1. What should be the functions of law?
  2. What does the Rule of Law mean? How does the Rule of Law affect high school students?
  3. Does everyone have equality under the law, as guaranteed under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms?
  4. Identify instances from history where the law has promoted inequity. Examine whether such a situation may exist in contemporary Canadian society.
  5. What are some potential consequences of enacting a law that citizens do not support? Examples may be taken from students’ social lives, current affairs or history to assess the potential consequences.


Rules on the island.  
- Summarise the rules students made.
- At what point do you need to make rules?
Socrates audio - take notes
Socratic method examples
Does Canada have too many laws article and questions
‘Code of Hammurabi’
Introduction to Common Law


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